Good lesson
And there they go again....
Al Sharpton, whose continued breathing is perfect proof of God's nonexistence, is running his usual kangaroo court. The Satanist Poison Vendors, best proof of the same fact, are following Sharpton in their genocidal rush to SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH America into unrecognizable scragkpnfg. Note 3880 SMASHINGS on the Google entry.
For sane Caucasians this Trayvon shit has one lesson: Try to live in a cold place with near-zero black population. Then Al Sharpton and the Satanist Poison Vendors
WILL NOT HAVE AN EXCUSE TO DESTROY YOUR CITY OR STATE. They will still try, but they won't have much leverage.
White liberals take this lesson to heart best of all, because white liberals are wealthy enough to move at will. White liberals joke about Idaho and Vermont, and white liberals move to Idaho and Vermont. White liberals pay Sharpton's wages, and they don't want to live anywhere that invites his lethal presence.