Glad I didn't know this
Why we're failing:Celebrity-who's-famous-for-being-famous Kim Kardashian will be paid $600,000 to host a New Year's Eve party at the Tao nightclub in Las Vegas' Venetian hotel and casino and then return to the Tao a few more times in 2012 to make "special appearances."
"It happens a lot ... It may be $100,000 for just showing up and then, if you're a singer and you're asked to perform ... open your mouth to sing and you're looking at a seven-figure payment."
Of course, that doesn't mean a club such as the Tao won't be getting back some if not all of its money. Casinos are, after all, very good at that.
$600,000 for showing up at one party. That's exactly what I earned from 40 years of honest skilled labor.
I suppose it's good that I didn't know facts like this when I was young. Good that I didn't understand how the system works when I was young. If I had known how totally fixed and fucked the system was, I would have just gone on the dole and stayed there.
But maybe the system wasn't quite so thoroughly fucked back in the '70s. It was still possible for an American to
receive money in exchange for making things. Now, of course, that's a tiresomely quaint analog concept, a weird bizarre fantasy of proportionality. Does not compute. Cannot be tolerated. Unacceptable. Unthinkable.
The modern rule is more appropriate for a binary age:
Them as has gits.
All others starve.
Welcome to 900 AD redux. Or reflux.