You fuckheads, that's the GOOD part.
Cain's 999 plan has some bad tendencies toward regressiveness, but it has one EXTREMELY GOOD consequence: By taxing all sales, it finally puts a sort of tariff on Chinese shit. Not a very strong tariff ... probably won't change the incentives much ... but at least it will finally bring in some Federal revenue from treasonous "American" corporations that choose to destroy America. Tariffs were originally
meant to be the main source of Federal revenue, and were in fact the main source until Madman Lincoln decided to tax income along with burning down half the country, murdering 600,000 people and shredding the Constitution.
Some commentator on Bloomberg News [the Heart Of Gramscian Darkness] noted this tariff-like aspect of 999 a moment ago. And with perfect Satanic predictability, the Satanic commentator saw good and evil precisely backwards. He said "Cain's plan is dangerous because it smacks of Protectionism."
You egregious evil disloyal anti-American traitorous fuckhead,
Protectionism is the one thing we need above all. Ideally we need to set up a full naval blockade against China and India. Nothing in, nothing out. All traitor corporations that have benefitted from outsourcing jobs and production should be closed down, their executives jailed for life, and their criminal assets confiscated and redistributed to Americans whose jobs were stolen.