Many of the Repooflican and Democrat fuckheads are worrying today (for separate reasons) about our assassination of Awlaki. Apparently the problem is that he was an American citizen.
Tell you what, fuckheads. If you had worried about the government assassination of Randy Weaver's family in 1991, or the entire David Koresh cult in 1993, you'd be entitled to worry about this particular assassination.
But all you New York fuckheads thought
those assassinations were fine because the citizens involved were
dumb redneck Christians. So you New York fuckheads are NOT PERMITTED to complain about this one.
This dude was a genuine enemy in an actual war.
Even better, Yemen is one of the two countries that actually attacked us on 9/11, so I don't have any problem at all with
ANY violence against Yemen.
There is only one rule of war. If a war is
necessary, you are required to do
everything possible to eliminate the attacker from the face of the earth. Kill all the civilians, rape their babies, torture their grandmothers. Whatever it takes. If a war is
not necessary, you are not entitled to do
anything. No war. Nothing. Just stay home and take a nap.
Up till now, we've been conducting three
totally unnecessary wars, in which
all warlike activities are immoral.
Obama, perhaps despite his own intentions, has finally started to answer 9/11, started to fight the
necessary war that Saudi Agent Bush treasonously refused to fight.
Obama killed Sheikh Osama, who had been carefully preserved by both Clinton and Bush; and now Obama has killed Awlaki in Yemen, who may not be a top leader but unquestionably incited the Fort Hood attack.