Wild illogic from Weepy Wino
Boehner:"The American people will not accept and the House cannot pass a bill that raises taxes on job-creators."
= = = = =
Completely absurd. If rich people were creating lots of jobs, you could plausibly make this argument, though it wouldn't necessarily be valid. You could say "The situation is working. Let's not change it."
But rich people ARE NOT creating jobs. In fact, NOBODY, RICH OR POOR, is creating jobs this year. Furthermore, big corporations (home of big money) have not created jobs IN AMERICA for twenty years. They've made lots of jobs in China, India and Mexico.
There are lots of reasons for the lack of job creation. Bugsy Bernanke's casino, the uncertainty of Obamacare, insane EPA regulations, fear of litigation, patent trolls. But the one thing we can say for dead certain is that TAX RATES ARE NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM.