Spoke too soon
Well, just after I called all journalists liars, an almost unprecedented and highly welcome exception pops up. PBS Frontline, working with McClatchy, has been looking carefully at the government's suiciding of Bruce Ivins to cover up the real culprit in the 2001 anthrax letters. They've
found two new and critical problems with the FBI's lie:
(1) Ivins's lab didn't contain the necessary equipment to prepare the material found in the letters. That's pretty conclusive all by itself, I'd say! If he had done the work elsewhere, you'd expect to find a few particles in his home and car, but none were found there.
(2) Producing the material in the letters would have required a huge amount of initial bacterial culture: several hundred Petri dishes. An industrial-scale operation, which needed to run
almost instantly. (The first letter was
received just 7 days after the Twin Towers attack.) One man couldn't have done that in his spare time when none of the other researchers happened to be watching. In fact it's highly dubious that any number of workers could have planned and executed the operation in 5 days; the anthrax must have been manufactured in advance.
Overall the FBI has exactly zero evidence against Ivins, and their case isn't even a well-designed snow job. That's why Ivins had to be suicided.