Just once......
Just once I'd like to see a state show some real guts. Just once a state needs to openly defy an
invalid, illegitimate and unconstitutional "decision" by a Federal "judge". (Which means nearly all actions taken by Federal "judges.")
Defiance would not only be immensely satisfying, it would be
the only legal action. By meekly consenting to an invalid, illegitimate and unconstitutional "decision" by a Soviet saboteur, a state is
participating in treason.For instance: California has meekly gone along with the black-robed saboteurs who ordered it to reduce prison population. California is thus an accomplice to sabotage, as well as a direct contributor to many new deaths among its non-criminal population.
Instead of lamely participating in mass murder, a valid state must remand the prisoners to the custody of all the saboteurs who created the invalid "order".
Like this:
Okay, Reinhardt! Here you go. The prison buses are now running, and they're physically depositing all the prisoners in your own bed. All 40,000 prisoners are remanded to your physical and personal custody. You are responsible for feeding and housing them, and all crimes committed by them from now on are in your name. These 40,000 prisoners are your
sons.What happens next is entirely up to you, enemy agent Reinhardt. Mobilize your fellow enemy agents in ACLU to build a new prison for your wonderful dependents. Or sleep with the 40,000 prisoners one by one. We'd really prefer to see the latter, and we'll be taping all of it for a wildly profitable reality show.