Gee thanks, Rush!
Tuned into Rush for a minute this morning to see how Goldman Sachs Red Label sounds lately. Rush was screeching in some kind of beyond-melting-point apoplexy because Obama dared to propose taxing Rush's private fleet, which is apparently larger and faster than America's measly little air force.
Thanks, Rush. I've been in a pox-on-both-houses mood for many years, unwilling to vote for either of the Goldman Sachs "parties". Now I'm going to vote for Obama next time around, solely and exclusively to insure that your private fleet of Gulfstream 9999999xi.562XXXP's (or whatever they are; presumably you own the model that isn't yet available to mere rich mortals) are taxed a few dollars more than they otherwise would have been. I'm sure you won't pay the tax anyway, because paying taxes is something that only tiny minuscule microscopic LOSERS LOSERS LOSERS NYAH NYAH NYAH have to do.
Rush, you just gave me a reason to vote for Goldman Sachs Blue Label. Thanks, Oh Great One. You've turned a non-voter into an Obama voter, you grotesque monstrous evil schoolyard bully.