Toldja so
Long ago I stopped paying attention to political jibber-jabber about budgets and deficits and debts. It's been clear for at least 15 years that such jibber-jabber is not ideological or serious. Whichever party currently has the majority emits standard boilerplate about Necessities And Common Sense, and the current minority emits standard boilerplate about Drastic Risky Cuts That Will Kill Orphans And Widows.
This year I knew in advance that all the pretend shouting and pretend fighting about cuts would end up with an actual increase. Why? Because it
it did:According to the CBO, “Total discretionary outlays in 2011 will be $3.2 billion higher as a result of the legislation, CBO estimates - an increase of $7.5 billion for defense programs, partially offset by a net reduction of $4.4 billion in other spending.”
Toldja so.Please, Lord, send us a Pinochet. Send us a military dictator who will kill thousands of DC and NY traitors.