The usual crap
Lots of nonsensical "discussion" this week around the sesquicentennial of the War of Northern Aggression.
The current Russian veneration of the brutal killer Stalin parallels the long-standing Yankee veneration of the brutal killer Lincoln, with one exception.
Stalin served the interests of Russians at the expense of Ukrainians, Jews, and others. Thus it's understandable that Russians like him, and it's appropriate for Ukrainians, Jews and other groups to hate him.
Lincoln served the interests of the Wall Street robber barons at the expense of all honest Americans. Thus it's understandable that Republicans, who solely represent the modern Wall Street robber barons, venerate Lincoln. It's
not appropriate for honest Americans to venerate madman Lincoln.
Simple logic. If Lincoln had wanted an America free of slavery he would have let the South secede. The remaining part of America would then be free of slavery.
This is what many Abolitionists wanted in the first place; they didn't much care what happened in the South. They only wanted slavery out of
their country, no matter how large or small its boundaries. Madman Lincoln hijacked this noble impulse and turned it into mass slaughter and mass destruction, because he wanted THE WHOLE WORLD to obey his own demented delusions.
ALL MINE. ALL ME. Just like modern neocons. Centralize, monopolize, commoditize, securitize.
And the neocons have carried on Lincoln's Big Lie as well. "That government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish." The whole point of the War of Northern Aggression was to
GUARANTEE that no resident of this unfortunate land would ever
THINK of self-determination again. "Government by the people" shall never never never never be allowed here. The neocons export this big lie to other unfortunate countries; they
love to talk about self-determination while they invade other countries to determine their government by force.
Americans should hate and reject this genocidal monster and his murderous descendants.