Curing cabin fever
Just noticed that I hadn't posted since Tuesday... not that it matters, since nobody except NSA reads this blog. Still, the point is to maintain some discipline.
highly prone to cabin fever in wintertime. Finally learned in the last couple years that the best cure for cabin fever is to
take control of the situation. In this case, raking the roof immediately after a heavy snow is the controlling factor. Prevents ice dams, thus preventing the real damage that happened in 2008. Also gives a good sense of the real situation as opposed to the panicky imagined situation. (It's just 8 inches of snow, not 800 pazillion megafeet!)
Also good exercise. In the 2008 winter, the exercise nearly finished me off. This time, after
getting blood pressure under control, the exercise is sort of fun. Can't complain about that.
Meanwhile, Polistra and Happystar are enjoying a toonish amusement park I'm 'building', based on the rides that used to be in Sunset Zoo in Manhattan.
Wheeee! Happy new year!