Saboteur throws monkey-wrench backwards
A Federal district saboteur, female as usual, has decided on her own that the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy runs against the advancement of Stalinism and disturbs her hormones.
If the Constitution were still valid ... if this unfortunate land still had laws ... no judge would be able to make such decisions. But this is pointless speculation since the Constitution was killed in 1861. So we're really arguing about oligarchical privilege and power here, not law.
In the specifics, this is certainly a case of strange bedfellows or strange Life Partners. The plaintiff is the Log Cabin Republicans, and the Obama Caliphate is defending DADT, thus offending one of its major constituencies.
= = = = =
At some point our ruling class will wake up and realize that their new loyalty to Mohammed is
highly dissonant with their older loyalty to Gaia. Homosexuality and Abortion are the two High Sacraments of the Planet Goddess, and our ruling elites are firmly habituated to practicing and defending those Sacraments above all else in life. (More specifically, the left side of the ruling class considers Homosexuality and Abortion to be Sacraments, while the right side simply practices them as a lifestyle.)
Trouble is, Mohammed hates Homosexuality and Abortion even more than Jesus does.
As the elites bring more
real Imams into their circles, they will be forced to realize this truth, and will have to make some serious decisions.
Should be fun to watch.