Bye, Doyle.
Since radio talker Jerry Doyle's near-death experience a few months ago, he seems to have lost part of his thinking process. I've been
noticing a move toward standard Repooflican talking points.
Yesterday he spent the first two hours knocking Christine O'Donnell for experimenting with witchcraft. No particular reason for the tirade, he just didn't think it was moral and wouldn't have done witchcraft when he was young. Doyle then spent his third hour knocking people who judge candidates by moral questions like "God, guns and gays", saying that we should only judge by their record on economic issues like taxes, taxes, taxes, taxes, and taxes. Just the tax, ma'am.
He didn't notice the complete dissonance between those hours.
Today he noted that he'd received plenty of emails on the O'Donnell commentary, but none of them caused him to change his opinion. Immediately after that, he talked about the need for "smoke alarms" in your life; the need to listen to contrary opinions to keep your life on track.
Again, didn't notice the complete dissonance, didn't consider that perhaps the piles of emails from loyal listeners constituted a "smoke alarm" for him.
Something's missing in that brain. The reason I enjoyed Doyle was his well-tuned bullshit detector, and it's gone now. So I'm gone.