Many of our listeners have mentioned the benefits of exercise while listening to old time radio shows. It's never too late to make healthy lifestyle changes and everyone can benefit from moving their body. While listening to old time radio shows while exercising, you will be done before you know it.
If you are new to exercise, try walking around your living room 3 times a week while listing to a 5-minute radio show like Five Minute Mysteries or Ellery Queen Minute Mysteries. After a couple of weeks, move on to 15-minute radio shows like the 5-part Yours Truly Johnny Dollar series. When you are feeling stronger, try walking for longer lengths of time to 30-minute radio shows like Dragnet or your favorite radio drama.
Honor your body and know where your physical limits are. Modify workouts to fit your needs. Remember any activity is better than none, even if that just includes tapping your toes to old time radio shows!
Happy Listening and Happy Health!
The current icon shows Polistra using a Personal Equation Machine.