From whence these fools falling?
The young idiot newsreaders at Fox were shocked! shocked! shocked! at the report that "ice chunks" fell from the sky IN SUMMER! ICE CHUNKS IN SUMMER! WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO!
Anyone who has lived in America knows that summer is when hail typically comes down. Winter is when snow typically comes down.
Maybe it's different in New York. Maybe million-dollar bills fall from the sky in New York. Maybe knishes and shillelaghs. I don't know, I don't want to find out, and I don't give a damn. I only know that we've committed national suicide if these idiots are our "best and brightest". All book-learning, no experience of reality.
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And translating the above into Foxspeak so it's intelligible to Fox viewers:
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The young I-word newsreaders at Fox being shocking! shocking! shocking! at the we reporting, you deciding, that "ice chunks" falling from the sky IN SUMMER! ICE CHUNKS IN SUMMER! TO WHAT THE WORLD COMING?
Anyone who living in America (USA! USA! USA! WE BEING NUMBER ONE! WE BEING GREAT AMERICANS!) knowing that summer when hail down which typically coming. Winter when snow down which typically coming.
Maybe it different in New York. Maybe million-dollar bills falling from the sky in New York. Maybe offensive ethnic references and offensive ethnic references. I not knowing, I not wanting out which to find, and I not giving a D-word. I only knowing that we committing national homicide if these I-words being our "best and brightest". All book-learning, no experience of R-word.