Surprise Surprise! Shazam!
It's Gomer day in the terrorist world.
As usual, Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Shazam is generating all sorts of shock among our enemy media.
What? He's a Mohammedan?????? How can this be????? All terrorists are Southern Baptist members of the Tea Party!!!! Everyone knows this!!!! The FBI doesn't even bother to keep track of anyone who isn't a white Southerner, because everyone knows that only white Southerners are capable of crime!!!!
What? He comes from Pakistan? How can this be? Pakistan is our Loyal And Faithful Friend and Ally!
And he was flying to Dubai (on a one-way ticket paid by cash)??? How can this be? Dubai is our Loyal And Faithful Friend and Ally!
And he comes from a rich and privileged family? How can this be? Terrorists are always poor and underprivileged! Everyone knows this!!!!
And he got a Masters Degree in America? How can this be? Ignorance causes terrorism, and education cures terrorism! Our own Secretary of State has told us this!!!!!
= = = = =
Satire aside, the only
slightly unusual thing about Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Shazam, his only real departure from an
accurate profile of terrorists, is that his Masters Degree is in Business, not Engineering.
And credit where credit is due: on this story as on many others,
CBS News is consistently a little closer to common sense than the other MSM sources, consistently a little less prone to the standard idiocy.