Orwell low-balled the British appetite for tyranny 2
Along with
turning 40,000 kids into 'hate offenders' for talking the way kids always talk, the British government has now
installed a tremendous infrastructure to monitor your trash.
Some 2.6 million microchips with transmitters have been
surreptitiously installed on trash bins.
The advocacy group Big Brother Watch found through a series of Freedom of Information requests that many local governments are installing microchips in trash cans distributed to households, but in most cases have not yet activated them – in part because officials know the move would be unpopular.
“They are waiting for the political climate to change before they start using them,” said campaign director Dylan Sharpe, who predicted that families who produce large amounts of garbage would be fined.
The trash microchips are now part of the British information grid, which already includes a heavy reliance on closed-circuit television surveillance and cameras to monitor the population, particularly on the crowded public transportation system.
Sorry, this explanation doesn't wash. The guys who drive the trucks are already able to spot a house that puts out too much trash. It's part of their job, because most cities charge extra for picking up extra. So the chips must be monitoring something other than plain old quantity.
I'm amazed that our own dear state-sponsored terrorist organization EPA has allowed the Brits to get ahead of them on this front. I don't know whether this has been implemented in some American cities, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened here in Spokane. Yet. (i.e., there hasn't been any mass recall and redistribution of trash bins.)