0.1 Cheers for Volcker!
Obama has finally, a year late, proposed new rules on bankers.
From his speech, it sounds like a near-complete restoration of Glass-Steagall, which would be wonderful.
Unfortunately, this is only a
suggestion of laws that could be written by the Lower and Upper Nuthouses. If Obama had been serious, he would have written an executive order.
Since this is just a proposal, we can be 100% certain that the final result will make life vastly
easier for the Wall Street Mafia, while giving them even more trillions of dollars to fuck around with.
= = = = =
Oops, end-of sentence preposition alert. To be understandable by conservatives, the last sentence should be recast:
Since this is just a proposal, we can be 100% certain that the final result will make life vastly
easier for the Wall Street Mafia, while giving them even more trillions of dollars, around with which to fuck.