Why the MSM is dying, part 483294893248902
The Useful Idiots of "journalism" always insist that they are needed because nobody else will investigate corruption. I suppose this is true if "corruption" is defined exclusively as "The sex life of Tiger Woods". All other forms of corruption are not merely ignored but
actively aided by the enemy-controlled media.
Here is a serious and deep investigative report on Rajendra Pachauri, the main organizer of the Copenhagen conference.
The enemy-controlled media depicts Pachauri as one of those UN types, an insider in the world of foundations and organizations. Not hardly. He's a world-class gangster.
= = = = =
Later thought: This shows another of those
agreed-on lies. The Left and its captive media treat the whole AGW movement as Angelic Governments bringing down Satanic Corporations. The Right treats the AGW fight as Satanic Governments bringing down Angelic Corporations. Left and Right agree on the basic form of the fight, and only disagree about which side is good.
Both "sides" are lying. The real driving force behind AGW has always been Big Corporations who recruit Big Governments to act on their behalf. And behind the Big Corporations are a handful of gangster billionaires like Pachauri and Soros.