Wet or dry? Svensmark or Strong?
Two screen captures from Google News at the same minute. Look at the BBC items in both subjects. On top we have the terrible flooding in England, worst in history at some places. On the bottom we have the BBC's report of the whistle-blower at the British Crimate bureaucracy (CRU).
Note that the Beeb attached a standard dry desert-like picture to the latter, thus visually "verifying" the "reality" of global warming. They have the gall to do this at the
same moment when Britain is getting record wetness and near-record cold.
The Gaia myth must be preserved
AT ALL COSTS. Even as we drown and freeze, we must continue to "inform" the proletariat that we are dry-roasting.
Actually the observed facts (widespread cold and wet) fit perfectly into
Svensmark's theory of climate. The sun continues its
unusually long period of inactivity, therefore more cosmic rays are able to reach the earth's atmosphere, triggering more clouds to form. More clouds means cooler and wetter.
Needless to say, all observed facts violently disagree with the Maurice Strong / Al Gore theory of CO2-caused warming.
This perfect pair shows why the Gaia myth is so deadly. We are in fact suffering through a period of unusual and dangerous climate, likely to continue for at least 20 years by most estimates. Unusual = cold and wet, perhaps even sliding down toward an ice age. This change truly does require adjustment and investment by gov't and people, but the gov'ts are instead preparing for hot and dry, pouring billions into totally useless CO2 technologies and worse-than-useless solar and wind shit, which is nothing more than esthetic masturbation by senile hippies.