Two things.
Listening to Chinese Agent Oh Ba-ma
speaking about the World Suicide Pact.Only two things need to be said.
1. If carbon were actually a problem, if these traitors and mass murderers actually believed their "scientific" shit, the
ONLY SOLUTION would be a total committment to nuclear power and hydroelectric power. Nuke and hydro can get us to a zero-emission power grid quickly and solidly. Since these traitors and mass murderers are not even mentioning nuclear, we know logically and dispositively that they don't really believe this crap.
2. If we had an actual opposition party, the opposition party would immediately start impeachment proceedings against Chinese Agent Oh Ba-ma. He is serving the enemy. Unfortunately both of our political "parties" are simply branches of China Incorporated. Chinese Agent McCain, as I've mentioned many times, was even more firmly devoted to serving his adopted home country and destroying America.
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A bit later and a bit calmer:
#1 is, of course, the one ray of sunlight in this giant mess. As I
noted earlier, the Obama administration is actually doing more for nuclear power than Bush did. Not nearly enough, but something. Obama is a clever politician. Today's absolutist Green rhetoric excites his young hard-left base and enrages pro-Western dinosaurs (it certainly pushed all my hot buttons, didn't it?), but behind the scenes his admin is doing some of the right things.
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Update Saturday: Listening to a Senate hearing from Tuesday replayed on C-Span. Lamar Alexander, bless his little flannel-shirted soul, said exactly the same thing I said: If carbon really is the problem, the
ONLY solution is to build lots of new nuke plants. And I'd add that even if carbon isn't the problem, which of course it isn't, we should
still be devoting 100% of our effort to building nukes. Whether you're concerned with CO2 or American survival,