Goofy Bobby
Obama's SOTU was (unsurprisingly by now) an excellent speech. He allowed some of the usual circus atmosphere, but kept pushing ahead to make his points.
The SOTU was originally meant as a simple annual progress report to Congress, and Obama did speak directly
to Congress much of the time. He wasn't just quoting a calculated list of talking points for the benefit of the calculated list of special interests; he was telling Congress to get its ass in gear, and to serve the country.
Polistra especially appreciates the service message, and will return to this point soon.
As for the stated goal of telling Americans why we have a crisis and why we need to throw money at banks, Obama missed. If the message was there, I didn't catch it. He promised to hold the banks more accountable from now on, but that ain't gonna happen.
Jindal's response: just awful. He talks like Misterogers. Republicans still haven't learned the most basic lesson from Bush Junior: Leaders must speak in a way that isn't physically painful to hear.