Bravo Nickels
The original purpose of declaring a State of Emergency was to break through the red tape, take firm control, and do whatever is needed. In recent years this idea has disappeared. When mayors or governors declare an emergency, they continue to follow all suicidal environmental rules, continue to kill people unnecessarily, and then ask the Feds for more money money money money money to assist the slaughter.
Amazingly, the mayor of Seattle has remembered the original purpose of an Emergency! Greg Nickels has decided to break the rules and protect his people. He ordered the Street Dept to use salt on the streets of Seattle, because
For the last ten years, Seattle has been leading the Glorious Marxist-Leninist-MauriceStrongist Revolution, diligently applying and re-applying and re-applying totally useless but Clean de-icing chemicals, in order to keep the Waters Holy And Pure, and above all to Protect The Salmon Goddess. Mere humans have died like flies, which is of course
the Final Solution Of The Glorious Marxist-Leninist-MauriceStrongist Revolution.Bravo to Nickels for breaking out of the Revolution and deciding, however briefly, to protect the lives of mere humans.
Story here, including some interviews with Glorious Marxist-Leninist-MauriceStrongist Revolutionaries who are predictably Saddened And Disappointed by the mayor's pro-human decision. These revolutionaries want to hasten the Final Solution.
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Meanwhile, predictably enough, the alleged so-called fucking "government" of Spokane is showing consistent fucking idiocy, predictably refusing to understand the meaning of an emergency.
Many citizens with good snow-blowing equipment have been clearing sidewalks and driveways for neighbors who can't do it; some have even been plowing streets because the city has failed to do it. Yesterday one such Samaritan was
ARRESTED AND FINED for throwing snow into the street, which is technically illegal. Yes sir, that's how you encourage good citizenship. Enforce ALL the rules, ESPECIALLY the rules that make life impossible for good people. Arrest good citizens and reward evil!!!!!!! Stalin loves you, alleged so-called fucking "government" of Spokane!!!!!