What is Walker's game?
David Walker, former Comptroller, resigned in protest last year and has been crusading for ?????
He is a valid Cassandra for sure. He has been appearing on various shows, telling us about the dire situation of unfunded liabilities, and explaining the problem in a fairly comprehensible way.
But he doesn't seem to want anything done about these problems. When Beck asks him "What can we do?" his answer is always "Become informed. Ask tough questions. Hold your elected leaders accountable."
Those statements are as empty as a Credit Default Swap.
Ask tough questions? To whom? Even if you can get through the switchboard, it won't make any difference.
Hold them accountable? How? By electing the other "party", which will do exactly the same things as the first "party"?
He is not really asking Americans to do anything; he's only ginning up frustration.
I think Walker is really talking past our heads, serving someone else's agenda. I don't know who that someone might be, or what the real agenda might be, but it's certainly not action by Americans.