Been uptight lately ... got called for jury duty
again. Starts next Monday. At least I know the setup now. If I just act natural, be my usual disengaged cold unfriendly terse arrogant self, I'll probably escape long service. Lawyers on both sides want nice sociable pliant jurors, susceptible to peer pressure.
Still highly irritating. Citizens have to pay taxes to support non-citizens; citizens have to serve on juries; citizens have to endure injustice and false accusations while non-citizens, especially the MOHAMMEDAN ENEMY SOLDIERS WHO ARE AT WAR WITH US!!!!!!, are
courted and
cossetted and
protected even from genuine accusations. What do citizens get in return? We get to make marks on ballots, and we are supposed to go along with the
totally debunked myth that these marks are "votes".
This is no way to run a country. Pitchfork time is not far off.
= = = = =
Also, I just got word that the next revision of my courseware product is ready to begin, so I'll be busier than usual for the next six months. This adds to the tension at the moment, but it's a highly positive development in the long run. It means I can count on steady income for a few more years ... won't have to be quite so careful to preserve savings until the date when Social Security kicks in. More breathing room for house repair, new furniture, etc.