The Toto Plan
The one good thing about a wildly and bizarrely incompetent and corrupt Federal level is that state governors are forced to take over - or take back - many of the tasks that Feds had been doing fairly well before Putin's Soulmate decided to crash the system.
Oddly enough, true federalism is returning. States have been working together for many years to deal with organized crime, since the FBI (originally founded to deal with organized crime) has been getting its jollies from burning Christians and solving Kold Klan Kases. States have taken back disaster management after FEMA collapsed in Katrina. When 9/11 showed the absolute pointlessness (or worse) of CIA, New York City quickly set up its own foreign intelligence service, which seems to be functioning well. States and cities are taking over the control of the border and the checking of immigrants. Yesterday I
noted that states are organizing to build new dams, which was a great Federal achievement in previous years.
Polistra offers a modest proposal. What would happen if nearly all of the governors formed an organization and effectively seceded from DC? What would happen if they simply skipped the Federal redistribution in areas like medical care and education? I'll bet the reduction in paperwork and idiotic mandates would more than pay for the loss of central funding. What would happen if they refused to obey insane and treasonous Federal "judges"?
If all, or nearly all, of the governors stayed together long enough to pull back the Magic Curtain, the nasty little man behind the curtain would melt.
And we'd have a functional government again.
In this as in all else, France provides a good example. France doesn't consider its form of government to be frozen for all time. The Vichy regime was corrupted into serving the Krauts in WW2, so France simply started over. Then in 1958 when Algerian independence created untenable splits within the govt and people, they started over again. France is now on its Fifth Republic. Why can't we do the same? Our 'Second Republic' (the Constitution) has been completely fictitious since 1962, maybe even since 1803. It's long past time for our Third Republic, which should
return to the approximate form of the First Republic.