Godsbot is not risen.
Someone has used the old "Eliza" style of question-answering technology to build a
Gods Bot. It's cute, with a blinking Flash animation of Jesus, but it needs a little work, to put it mildly.
I tried a short session with the GodBot:
Human: Mormons think Satan is your half-brother.
godsbot: How do you know so much about me.
Human: Is Osama bin Laden your friend?
godsbot: I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask Jesus if it is.
Human: What do you think of Maurice Strong?
godsbot: The aspects of a thing that are most important to us are hidden to us because of their simplicity and familiarity.
Human: Is Gaia your equal?
godsbot: Signs point to yes. Ask Jesus if it is.
Human: Do you believe in the Earth Goddess Gaia?
godsbot: Knowledge is superior to belief.
Human: Did you rise from the grave?
godsbot: No I didn't rise from the grave. What's it like?
Human: Were you resurrected?
godsbot: No, I was not.
In short, it's just a fancy version of the old Magic 8-ball.