Proves the point
M. Stanton Evans has been making the book-tour in the last couple of days with his book about old Joe McCarthy. The response of some talk-hosts demonstrates just how thoroughly and deeply our Communist masters have done their job.
Evans is actually covering old ground.
Serious historians, including even some leftists, had already concluded by 1980 that McCarthy's lists of subversives were mainly accurate. The opening of the Soviet archives in 1991 added tons of weight to the vindication; at that point we learned that Joe was even correct about many highly-placed saboteurs and spies who had escaped the notice of the FBI.
Books on the subject have been around for nearly twenty years now, and most non-stupefied people have picked up the point.
And yet talkers like Beck and Miller, who are generally on the non-Communist side of things, seem to be blindsided by this information. Beck was interrogating Evans in a bemused style: "Aw come on, Stan, you don't really mean this. I just can't bring myself to think it." Just now Miller said, chuckling all the way, "We're going to hear from M. Stanton Stan, defending McCarthy. And then we'll have an author defending Pol Pot." ... and later ... "I hear he has a funny little Richard Speck story as well."
A set of lies planted deeply enough is nearly impossible to uproot. It's not really repetition that does the work, as the overquoted Goebbels line says. It's the total censorship of any alternative information, and the careful construction of a framework around the lies. And our Communist masters have managed to maintain the framework of lies on this subject for 60 years now.
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Bit later: In the interview, Miller showed himself to be more informed and open-minded than his initial dismissals sounded. But he still proved the long-lasting power of the framework. The basic Leninist tactic goes like this: subvert or blackmail most "responsible" officials into silence, so that the only people who feel both
determined and
free to reveal the truth are disreputable types who can be made to look crazy. As the Brit historian Paul Johnson demonstrated, Satan's boss Roy Cohn was the Communist mole in charge of guiding McCarthy toward the appearance of craziness in this case. But the tactic works in most cases without the help of a mole.