Phyllis's party
Phyllis Schlafly, the old mother Eagle, just finished a classic and consequential
speech in which she outlined the platform of a third party. The platform is filled with
specific actions that must be taken, most of which run solidly against the policies of George W. Vichy, and many of which were considered to be Democrat policies before 1964.
Among current politicians, Rohrabacher fulfills the Eagle platform verbatim. Phyllis's list is nearly a "table of contents" for Rohr's speeches in the last year or so.
Among the active Pres candidates, Hunter comes closest, with his strong emphasis on restoring our industrial base and cutting ties with China.
Unfortunately, Phyllis was followed and diluted by Gary Bauer, who recited a standard set of Karl Rove talking points, the same carefully focus-grouped script followed by Rush, Hannity, Medved et al. By this line of nonsense, Bush is perfection, and the only thing we need to do is ask Nancy Pelosi to condemn The same old tired set of words about words about words about words. The same old shit.
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Speaking of candidates, I should qualify: Tancredo comes closest to
saying the right things, but he lacks intellectual depth. Like Dan Quayle, he tends to falter and lose composure when faced with disputation, even from the most friendly sources. This isn't a good indication of solidity and leadership when faced with serious difficulties. Hunter doesn't follow the Eagle line quite so perfectly, but he has a deep 'ground connection' and a firm footing. (Trying to avoid the word
gravitas, but it's really what I'm talking about!)