Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water closet....
Wide Stance has managed to outdo himself yet again, by un-un-un-pleading guilty.
Polistra's response is Pavlovian.
Truly, the worst part of this mess is not Craig himself; the worst part is Enemy Agent Specter. EA Specter, without even knowing it, shows us exactly what's wrong with our entire government: Total loss of common sense and human nature.
Specter sees nothing beyond the technicalities of legalism and process. As long as the final written judgment, after all proper appeals, contains the words 'Not Guilty', EA Specter is perfectly satisfied, and Wide Stance should continue to serve as Senator. Facts, reality, emotions, trust, credibility, integrity, are utterly foreign concepts to a Senator. Only the words on the piece of paper are significant, and the rest of us are expected to follow along.
No sir.
This road gives us Nifong.
This road gives us Hitler.
All death warrants at Dachau were perfectly correct; Due Process had been followed precisely at every point. Nobody ever stopped to ask "Is this good?" or "Is this right?" because die Papier in guter Ordnung stand.