Just a thought.
The brand-R politicians and commentators are all huffy about the "indignity" of answering Youtube questions. Romney said "I think the presidency ought to be held at a higher level than having to answer questions from a snowman."
Okay, so what kind of question is "dignified" and "becoming"?
Well, we can take George W. Vichy's choices as a standard, since he's the champion when it comes to declaring actions as "unbecoming". He's so dignified that he won't do any of the normal things that leaders do ... such as telling the people what's going on, or telling us when our soldiers gain territory from the enemy.
So which kinds of questions does Vichy happily take? Which category of questioners does he cheerfully josh around and smile with?
Helen Thomas.
David Gregory.
Traitors who should have been imprisoned or hanged long ago.
So this is the Vichy standard.
Traitors are proper and dignified sources of questions, while animated videos are "beneath respect".
What's wrong with this picture, other than every goddamn thing?
= = = = =
Later: Huckabee, appearing on Laura Ingraham's show, separated himself from the defenders of the Imperial Presidency: "I don't mind. I've answered questions from far sillier people than an animated snowman." Must admit I didn't like him much at the start ... he seemed to be mainly about losing weight ... but he's definitely gaining points for leadership and clarity.