Canadian cancer cure: how to donate.
I note that Glenn Beck, the only American NON-drawkcab news source, did a feature today on the Michelakis cancer cure, which I
mentioned a couple weeks ago.Glenn said that many folks have been donating to the University of Alberta to help Michelakis continue his research, since our idiotic government and our idiotic drug companies aren't interested. But Glenn didn't mention how to make a contribution, so here we go:
The link below includes a video interview with Michelakis, and a donation link, which I've just used.
Donate here.Incidentally, the donation process is mainly the expected stuff, but there's a somewhat obscure part where you define the donation's purpose. On the second page, you have to scroll down to the middle and click on the line that says "DCA - Cancer Research Fund". (DCA is, of course, DiChloroAcetate.)