State Supremes rule with the people!
The Washington State Supreme Court has upheld the will of the people! A couple of years ago, the people strongly passed a ban on 'gay' 'marriage' by referendum. Two layers of state judges tried to revoke the ban, but yesterday the state Supremes ruled against the judges and for the people. The ban stands.
Good news, but not highly surprising.... these Supremes are constantly sensible and logical, even if not always 'conservative' in the usual sense. (I've mentioned this phenomenon here several times before.) Needless to say, the judges are elected, not appointed.
One of these Supremes, Richard Sanders, is SO good that he really should be considered for the national Supremes.
Incidentally, why don't we habitually comb the state courts for federal judges? We habitually look for presidents among the governors; should be the same logic.
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