Monday, April 10, 2006
  Fallaci again

Fallaci gives us the larger goal of the Arabs in the current war. (And yes, the enemy is primarily Arabs qua Arabs, secondarily allied with other sons of Allah.)

In her younger days as a globetrotting journalist in 1968, she interviewed Yasser Arafat and his rival George Habash, alias al Hakim, the founder of PFLP. From Arafat she got nothing but stupid shouting and spitting, but from Habash she got a chilling declaration of the full and final intentions of Jihad:

"Our revolution is a part of the world revolution. It is not confined to the reconquest of Palestine. The time has come to admit that we want a war like the war in Vietnam. That we want another Vietnam, and not only for Palestine but for all the Arab countries. The Palestinian problem is not an aside problem, a problem separated from the Arab Nation's realities. Palestinians are part of the Arab Nation. Therefore the entire Arab Nation must go to war against Europe and America. It must unleash a war against the West. And it will. America and Europe don't know that we Arabs are just at the beginning of the beginning. That from now on there will be no peace for the West. To advance step by step. Millimeter by millimeter. Year after year. Decade after decade. Determined, stubborn, patient. This is our strategy. A strategy that we shall expand throughout the entire planet."

Fallaci expands on this: "In short, the war waged through immigration, fertility, presumed pluriculturalism, EU Agreements. The Islamic holidays, the five prayers interrupting work, the halal meat, the face covered on the driver's license, to begin with."

This Mohammedan revolution by fertility is already well under way in Europe, as France has unfortunately discovered, but it hasn't even started in America. Among the American residents who get counted as Mohammedan, about 80% are actually Louis Farrakhan's followers, a racist cult that has only superficial connections to the Koran and no connection to Arabs. Though they certainly enjoy conducting pogroms against Jews, so far they haven't shown a desire to participate in the larger Arab Jihad. (The Beltway Snipers were not Farrakhanites, but converts to genuine Mohammedanism.)

So: Our local 'invaders by fertility' are instead Mexican. Seen in this light, I'm starting to harbor a heretical thought. Maybe we should be glad that our requirements for cheap and illegal labor are being saturated by Mexicans instead of Arabs or Turks as in Europe. Mexicans are not part of Jihad. They are not bloody Mohammedan murderers but devoted Catholics. The Virgin Mary inspires them to raise strictly disciplined and fiercely loved children. Allah inspires his followers to rape virgins. The Virgin Mary loves music and art, and has inspired the very best of both. Allah hates music and art, and his followers destroy both.

So: Europe and America both need fertile invaders as we become old and barren. Given the choice between simple Catholics and bloody sons of Allah, I'll take the Mexicans in a New York microsecond.


Sidenote: I'll grant that Mexican BVM-influenced music and art are not quite up to Bach or Caravaggio. Still, they do create a whole lot of it, and it's all sort of innocent and sweet. Maybe, just maybe, we jaded post-Protestants could use a pull in that direction.

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