What were they thinking?
Loretta is a 28-time loser. (Not a typo; her criminal record exceeds her IQ.) She decided it would be cool to fake killing her husband, and used firecrackers and red hair dye to put together a convincing scenario. What was she thinking? Did she think the cops would just accept her statement, when her husband was plainly alive and well? Did she think she would become a celebrity?
Chris is the head of the Washington State Republican Party. He decided it would be cool to request a new election after his candidate lost by 129 votes in the third recount. What was he thinking? Did he think the Democrats would just lay down and accept it? Did he think his candidate would look clean and fresh when surrounded by ambiguous evidence of fraud on both sides?
I'm really not sure who is stupider. No doubt Loretta is lower on the scale of basic mental power. But if
stupid means failing to use your native equipment and experience to serve your own interests, Chris wins hands down.