Darwin firmly proved
I'm not going to make a habit of using Photoshop here; lots of other bloggers do it better. But this was just irresistible.
Seriously, though, I wondered why WC makes such a point of strolling around in public with a cig. Academia is the modern* home of the bodily-purity code, and Ward knows his codes and ciphers better than anyone. A 'normal' professor who was seen in public with the Devil Weed in his mouth would be banished, regardless of his leftist credentials.
Ah, but Ward isn't normal. He is a Construct. He knows that Tobacco, when used by Ind'n Peoples, is a Sacrament, not a mere carcinogen. It's part of the aristocratic speech code. In the same way that blacks are uniquely privileged to say Nigger and homosexuals are uniquely privileged to say Queer, Ind'n Peoples are uniquely privileged to use Tobacco.
*Of course the
original home of the bodily-purity code is a certain German political movement that began in the 1920's. The fact that Herr Schicklgruber was a vegetarian and environmentalist is neither ironic nor coincidental. Purity is the kernel of genocide.