Quick reprint from 2014
I was looking back through the blog, trying to find a reference to a better system of blog stats that I had used for a while. I think it was tech-something, but the name escapes me. While looking, I bumped into this
2014 item, during the brief Ebola fake panic. I was right then, but didn't know HOW right. As fucking usual, maximum paranoia just barely touches the surface of reality. The Ebola fake panic was a trial run for the holocaust.
Note also that an African government was doing the right thing, just as Tanzania is doing the right thing in the current holocaust.
= = = = = START REPRINT:
This popped up on StatCounter's reading of blog action.

Nice to know that CDC has enough spare time to spy on people who DARE to criticize their activities. Makes me feel all warm and vomity inside. Thanks, Center for Dissident Control and Prevention. I'm very happy to know you're On The Case.
= = = = =
Later: A big Bravo to the LIBERIAN officials who finally had the fucking sense to identify the patient by name.
This is
SO FUCKING SIMPLE. Public health is a vital function of government, and the BEST way to do it is OPENLY AND HONESTLY. Secrecy GUARANTEES paranoia. If you're perfectly open about your actions and motives, you'll get trust and compliance from ordinary people. If you devote most of your energy to protecting the Privileges of Certain Classes Of Persons (such as Persons Of Color and Persons Of Gender) you lose the trust of everyone outside those Certain Classes. And then you have to use force and espionage, which produces even more paranoia and even less voluntary compliance. And then you have to use even more force and espionage, etc, etc.
Of course that's the CDC's purpose. Along with the rest of Satan's misgovernment in US/UK/EU, the single sole solitary purpose of CDC is to create mass chaos, total war, absolute destruction and raw bloody evil.
CDC is fighting on Ebola's side, not on our side.
= = = = = END REPRINT.
I was wrong about one thing in 2014. I grouped US/UK/EU together.
After the 'controlled experiment' of Brexit in January, it became clear that EU was NOT the source of the evil. After Brexit, EU immediately started protecting its borders from migrants. After Brexit, Boris immediately started the "carbon" genocide, then smoothly shifted to the "virus" genocide. Most EU countries pulled out of the holocaust in time to avoid severe damage, and some have even admitted it was wrong. After Brexit, the true connections are clearer. The Anglosphere, aka Five Eyes, is the center of evil, and Britain has been the
intellectual driver of evil since 1946. The evil models and theories and plans and strategies start in Britain.
= = = = =
(A bit later: The blog stat thing was Technorati, but it's apparently extinct now. I'm trying Google Analytics to see if it does a better job of filtering out the meaningless bots. So far it's only marginally more useful than Blogspot's own output. Analytics skips the huge numbers of meaningless bots, but seems to be tracking the same few real reads, which were already visible in Blogspot.)
Labels: #defundpublichealth, Constants and Variables