Constants and variables 149, body and mind edition
An 80-year-old
HUMAN lady was chatting with the bus driver. For a while they were gossiping about other bus drivers and I wasn't paying attention.
Then the driver asked if she was worried about the virus.
"Nah. We had all those when we were young. Measles, mumps, flu, chicken pox. We acquired immunity."
Then she mentioned that she still had the scar from the smallpox vaccination.
Exact quote:
"Well, you know, those vaccinations worked. The last smallpox in the wild was in 1973. There are, I think, three labs that still maintain samples of the virus, and that's a good thing."
Verifies what I've been thinking about generations. Our generation encountered a LOT of viruses, so we acquired immunity to a LOT of viruses.
We also encountered CORRECT INFORMATION about viruses from schools and media, and the info was literally pinned down by the smallpox inoculation. CORRECT INFORMATION about viruses and immunity is part of normal scientific literacy for our generation. We know how these things work.
= = = = =
FUCKING CONSTANT: The current generation is still encountering viruses all the time, though not nearly as many as we encountered, because THOSE VACCINATIONS WORKED. Their bodies are still learning about the viruses and building defenses. This includes the Haute-Couture Branded Virus, which is similar to the common cold. Their bodies don't have to invent new weapons, just pull out some cartridges from the Common Cold Ammo Safe and modify them. No big deal, just part of normal routine in the
Billion Years War between viruses and animals.
FUCKING VARIABLE: The current generation is encountering

from schools and media. The disinformation is being SLAMMED into place by imprisonment and torture.
Labels: Constants and Variables, Experiential education, Fucking constants and fucking variables