The habit of engineering
Earlier I mentioned a mid-60s attempt at interactive educational TV, which didn't go anywhere. Turns out I was wrong ... there was one major school system that used the setup.
According to
an RCA quarterly in 1966, a New York school system installed a full-fledged interactive UHF station.

Yup, it was the Catholic system.
Not the expected engineer type in 1966! Her slide rule appears to have 12 decades, which means it's superior to the usual log-log.
= = = = =
Later: Given the longevity of nuns, it's likely that this lady is still alive and still nunning. This sobering realization spawned a less flippant line of thinking.
I'm impressed by the
serenity of her face. Fifty years ago this was a common impression from Catholics in general, not just nuns. Catholics were
certain about the basics of Natural Law. Their
calm certainty provided an example for spiritual retards like me and a massive
counterforce to the demonic forces of the Left.
In modern times most Romans have departed from the permanent and
EXPERIMENTALLY DETERMINED rules of Natural Law. Now even the alleged "pope" is at the vanguard of Sorosian confusion.
engineer types who understand the need for
certainty, there is no cultural home in Christianity. That's why so many revolutionaries are engineer types.
SOROS DELENDA EST.Labels: Alternate universe