She said "pro-life"!

This morning NPR interviewed Tony Perkins, head of some evangelical organization, about the decision to endorse Santorum. Perkins was annoyingly evasive, but the interview contained one notable positive.
The questioner used the term
pro-life without any nasty or ironic intonation, without vocal scare-quotes!
I've never heard any interviewer or reporter on commercial or public radio use the phrase simply and straightforwardly before. The usual commie term is
anti-abortion or
Perhaps the host was just being polite, but even that was unprecedented when speaking to a Christian!
= = = = =
Artistic note: This post wasn't really intended to be read; it's mainly here to obey a superstition. In the
previous entry I left Polistra and Happystar in a precarious predicament, and I can't stand to leave things that way.