Revelations are emerging about Comrade Scheissenesser's "love-child". Supposedly this was a fully kept secret for many years, and supposedly it's the cause of his separation from the Royal Family.
I suspect the real reason for separation is more basic: now that he's no longer Governor, there's no reason for the Royal Family to associate with him. With Commies, raw brutal physical power is everything.
Nice parallels to the
Chimpanzé en Rut. Tempting to imagine a rare alignment of planets that brings down evil assholes, but probably meaningless.

Polistra and Happystar continue their celebration, with a special bottle this time.
= = = = =
Later: After more details emerge, I'm don't think there's a real parallel. Much as I hate to halfway defend a hardline Gaian Leninist like Scheissenesser, it's not the same. The long-term habits of le Chimpanzé en Rut are raw violence plus raw sex. Arnie's affair is just traditional aristocratic decadence. His Mexican mistress seems to have been his real wife. She did the housework, bore his children, and received his money and affection. Aside from legalities, that's the job of a wife. Maria Shriver was his official dynastic ambassador to the Royal Kennedy Family, performing official duties at official parties. This is how the Crowned Heads of Europe have been conducting their lives for many centuries. Legal marriages to create dynastic alliances, practical marriages to commoners.